
A Brief History of Burnaby Pride

 In March of 2018, the Burnaby Intercultural Table hosted a community forum to better understand the challenges of LGBTQ2SIA+ newcomers and to provide educational opportunities for frontline workers on issues addressing the LGBTQ2SIA+ community.  At the forum, representatives from local service organizations identified resources and services within Burnaby for LGBTQ2SIA+ audiences, and thought of ways to bring about community connections, celebrate diversity, and promote inclusivity and understanding.  From this initial conversation, the Burnaby Pride Planning Committee was formed.

Recognizing the absence of an annual pride parade or festival, the Burnaby Pride Planning Committee set out to create Burnaby’s first ever LGBTQ2SIA+ Pride Street Festival.  The inaugural event on August 11th, 2018 aims to launch a lasting movement that will honour, celebrate, and educate about LGBTQ2SIA+ folk in Burnaby.

In 2019, Burnaby Pride expanded to hosting two events, the Rainbow Garden Party and the Pride Street Festival. The Rainbow Garden Party was held at Burnaby Civic Square, next to Metrotown Library and was more adult-oriented, including drag performers, a DJ, candy, ice cream, food trucks, drinks, and dancing. It was a wonderful celebration with a great crowd and energizing vibe. The Pride Street Festival was held on Jubilee Avenue and brought together service providers and entertainment.

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Burnaby Pride will be holding a Digital Pride. Details to come…