Disability Awareness Workshop

 Burnaby Pride invites you to Disability Awareness Workshop!

People with disabilities represent the world’s largest minority and the only minority group that any of us can become a member of at any time. Disabled people experience barriers, prejudice, and bias daily. Our Disability Awareness workshop challenges you to comprehensively address ableist notions of how we think about and label our bodies, minds, and senses. 

Join Heather McCain, a disabled queer trans advocate and educator, in this session to understand what disability is, the types of disability, the current language of disability, what ableism is, and how you can actively fight against it.

Following the workshop, Rob Bitner, Ph.D. in gender sexuality and women’s studies (SFU), will provide book recommendations to explore this topic further.

Registration is required: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYscuGsqDkoG9YtsiclE0YMqmLy1HroTNZk. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Sign language interpretation is available. Please email us at info@BurnabyPride.com.